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10 New Year’s Resolutions for Beach Lovers

folly beach lovers

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There’s something inherently hopeful about starting a new calendar year – of hitting the reset button and beginning again with a fresh slate.

That renewed sense of hope is the reason we march into each New Year clutching a list of resolutions meant to improve upon the people we were the previous year. We strive to do more and be better. We believe in earnest this will be the year we change our lives in impactful ways.

Of course, resolutions can be easier said than done. Looking for a set of resolutions you’ll love enough to commit yourself to completing? We’ve got you covered, fellow thalassophiles. Check out our New Year’s Resolutions for beach lovers.

1. I will sit in the sand, completely unplugged – no phone, no tablet – and let the sounds of seagulls and the breaking waves be my guiding frequency.

2. I will scoop up any wayward starfish or sand dollar I stumble across and gently carry them back to the sea, delighting for a brief moment in the tickle of their texture against my hand.

3. I will splash in the surf with the wild abandon of youth, and I won’t worry about the way I look to anyone else. I will replace self-consciousness with revelry.

4. I will scan the shores for shark’s teeth until I too become one of the privileged throngs of beachcombers who can count such cast-off relics as part of their collection.

5. I will set my internal compass for the coast and, when life seems darkest, I will head for some sunny stretch of beach where I can find my bearings.

6. I will wear sunscreen. (What? This is important, y’all.)

7. I will spend at least one night with my back in the cool sand, staring up at the stars over the ocean and imagining what it must have been like to chart my course according to their glow.

8. I will be more adventurous than simply sitting on a beach towel – I will sample exotic seafood, parasail high above the surf, or do some other sea-inspired thing I’ve been too afraid to try.

9. I will let the ebb and flow of the ocean center me and, instead of spending a year fraught with worry and tension, will let the pull of the tides teach me to be more present.

10. I will take the culture of beach life with me wherever I go: packing my free spirit up for the ride and greeting every stranger as though they were just another friend waiting to be made.


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